Parales Kennel

What is it?

The Amitola Bulldog is not a recreation of a past bulldog. Instead it is a revamped bulldog. The word "Amitola means rainbow in Native American cultures". This name was chosen to describe the beautiful bulldog we adore so much as it indeed is capable of producing every color in the dog color spectrum. "The Amitola Bulldog, an evolution in Color"  That is why you see a white dog with a rainbow ending on him in the logo. The Amitola Bulldog was a blank palette that we infused with a rainbow of colors.

The Amitola Bulldog should resemble the more heavy duty English bulldog, without the problems plaguing the larger more brachycephalic dogs. The Amitola is bred to be moderately wrinkled, have plenty of mass but have an athleticism making it capable of normal activities, swimming, weight pull, surviving the extreme heat in the south and other parts of the country. They are not bred for protection, although, they are loyal and loving they do have a natural guarding ability. To please the greatest number of bulldog enthusiast, we have bred the Amitola bulldog in 3 distinct sizes. The minis being the most popular right now. The 2 larger (bantam and titan) sizes may be more suited to the active family lifestyles. The Amitola love people, while it still is tenacious and a bulldog in nature, they adore their owners and usually have one or two people they consider to be the boss. They give eye contact from the beginning and respond to training very well. They are very loving; content to sit and be quiet by your feet, yet love the opportunity to snuggle on the couch or even in the bed with the family. The Amitola is not just a dog. It thrives on being part of the family.

Amitola Bulldog females are loving devoted mothers,with free whelping and normal functional bodies. While there is always the chance for an emergency to occur, C- sections are not to be considered normal. They should be rare and almost unheard of. The shape of the Amitola is one of equal proportions so the shoulder width is equal to that of the hips. Allowing the birth of the bulldog babies heads. They love and enjoy their puppies and are often found playing and rolling around with their pups long after weaning.

The males, like most bulldogs have no problems wanting to breed. Stamina and structure made breeding next to impossible with most EB. The Amitolas are in physical condition, not too heavy for the female and also toned enough for stamina in breeding. They are aggressive breeders and have no problems regarding fertility.

The goal of the Amitola Breeder is to keep the health and type of bulldog in his mind as he combines his breedings to make the most colorful litters possible. Every litter should be a myriad of Color. The Amitola is never restricted from any color or combination of patterns and color. In the foundation breedings various bulldog breeds were used to infuse the colors once removed from Bulldogs. We now have the capability to produce any and all colors known to dogs. We as Amitola breeders love so many different colors we do not want to limit our choices therefore all Amitola will be able to produce Dilutes, Chocolates, Reds and even White. When you breed two Amitolas together the results should be like the colored eggs in an Easter basket. It is exciting and fun to get some of everything.

No matter the size Amitola you like and admire, the breed will make you smile, and keep you laughing with their playful antics and endearing personalities. Whether you enjoy breeding or just owning a healthy happy full color spectrum bulldog
the Amitola Bulldog is an all around great choice for the future of healthy, active family bulldogs.

We currently are breeding the Bantam size of Amitola and they are wonderful with our children, one of them being a toddler. We are a small family owned kennel located in North Florida. 

Size :
females 16"-up (at shoulders) 50lb - up
males 17"-up (at shoulders) 55lb - up

females 13"-15" (at shoulders) 30lb - 45lb
males 14"- 16" (at shoulders) 35lb - 50lb

females 11"-13" (at shoulders) 22lb - 45lb
males 11"-14" (at shoulders) 25lb - 45lb